A lot of people from different countries seek to leave for the United States in search of a better life. After all, in the absence of jobs, lack of finances, it is very difficult to ensure a good life for oneself and one’s family. And there is such opportunity nowadays. There is a sufficient number of different vacancies in the US, which will earn a tidy sum. If there is a desire, you can return, open your own business and live without problems. The main thing – the goal and desire, then success is guaranteed. There are more than enough vacancies in the American market, the level of earnings considerably exceeds the subsistence minimum, and the growth prospects are simply colossal.

The most popular (and at the same time and respected) profession in the United States is an orthodontist. Their average salary is $ 187,000 per year, so they are always at a price. Only 0.2% of graduates in this specialty are not employed.
Unfortunately, there are very few doctors and information technology specialists in the United States. Most of the IT-service workers have been working for an average of 2 years, and then they accept an offer from competitors (more paid position) and leave, taking experience from their previous job with them. And for the knowledge and loyalty in the United States are willing to pay well. In the US, there are also a lot of vacancies for doctors and, as a rule, only a third part can be closed a year, because not only highly qualified doctors are needed, but also nurses who are willing to work hard and heavy.
Professions such as an industrial psychologist, a translator, a specialist in ultrasound diagnostics, a genetic counselor, a physical therapist, a skin care specialist, an assistant surgeon, an information security analyst, an orthodontist, a prosthetist, an audiologist, a marketer, a medical equipment repairman, and others will be great demand in the next few years.
So if you decide to change your country of residence, it may be good thinking about changing your citizenship and profession.