At the moment, more and more foreigners are leaving their home countries in search of a better life. So the difficult economic situation, the lack of jobs, the military and political conflicts are reasons for the growth of the immigration flow. Therefore, for their future life, migrants choose the most stable and loyal countries to them.
And, despite the acutely facing immigration issue, the USA is among the ten most favorable countries for immigrants.
The ranking was compiled according to the indicators of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX). It is the benchmark for integrative world politics and is most often used by politicians, the media, and scientific researchers.
Thus, international experts assessed the immigration situation of 52 world countries from five continents. Basically, one of the most important factors was an integrated approach to integration. It includes the willingness of society to accept immigrants and directly interact with them, as well as the well-being of the newcomers in the new country. Moreover, the assessment took into account such criteria as the ability to find a job and get an education, security, and equality.
In general, the United States received 73 points and took 6th place. Together with the United States, the top ten include Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Belgium, Australia, and Luxembourg.
Besides, it is worth noting that the last time the study was conducted in 2015. And then the picture was quite different: the US ranks fourth. Undoubtedly, such good results in the past have been favorably influenced by the presidency of Barack Obama.
However, if other countries have risen in the ranking in 5 years, the United States, unfortunately, has worsened its position.
Donald Trump’s tough anti-emigration policies have undermined America’s international reputation. Since 2017, the US government has exacerbated the costs for foreigners. And visa delays, lack of long-term security have forced thousands of immigrants to abandon the American Dream.
Furthermore, one of the lowest ratings received the criterion of “political participation”. After all, newcomers face unfavorable conditions for participation in democratic life and in local civil society.
But on the other hand, the United States is one of the leaders in the fight against discrimination. Absolutely anyone, regardless of gender, nationality, sexual orientation, can turn to the relevant equality bodies to demand enforcement of the law.
Without any doubt, the new 2020 rating will make the American government and in particular, the new leader Joe Biden think regarding the immigration system. And of course, it will take a lot of time and effort to make the US the most attractive destination for migrants again.