Childhood is the most beautiful period that can be. Children are the hope of the country; the future of each state depends on them. Therefore, the government is doing everything possible to provide them with a good education and to give opportunities for their personal development. And always a major blow for every country is the news about the immigration of the younger generation to other places.
United States of America
Of course, everyone should consider that any move, especially migration to another country, is also hard reflected on the emotional and mental state of the child. The difference in cultures and traditions, the conflict between the family and the new reality, all this factors create difficulties for the migrant kids. It is not so easy to be accepted by other children, they are faced with a feeling of loneliness and a lot of fears.
The language barrier also plays an important role. After all, it takes time to get used to the peculiarities of “American” English, to various dialects, to learn to understand and speak without an accent.
The famous Hollywood actress Mila Kunis, who moved with her parents to the USA from Ukraine, notes in her interview:
“…I cried every day. I didn’t understand the culture. I didn’t understand the people. I didn’t understand the language.” Moving to the U.S. from the Soviet Union was like “being blind and deaf…”
It is great to note that any country accepting children is trying to do its best to provide the necessary conditions for young migrants. First of all, this applies to schools and kindergartens.
So in many educational institutions there are even special language programs and courses for children. They are mainly intended for those for whom English is not native.
Besides, it is worth taking into account that many migrants tend to cluster in ethnicity. So there are even special areas in which one or another nationality lives predominantly. Also in these areas there are special schools where tuition is conducted in the native language. This makes it easier for children and their parents to endure the adaptation process.
Without any doubts, immigration is a huge stress for every family member. And it is very important to prepare the child in advance. But thousands of migrants from around the world are sure: for a bright future of their children, it is worth it.