Any person can apply for asylum. For this, your verbal application at any crossing point of the Moldovan border, at any police station or at the offices of the Bureau of Migration of asylum is sufficient. In the current situation, it is possible to cross the border to apply for asylum, even if you do not have a passport. Any identity document is enough. 

Checkpoints on the common border with Moldova are working in enhanced mode. Those Ukrainians who cross the border with Moldova will receive free emergency medical care, meals from Pegas, etc. ATMs from Maib Bank will not take commission on transactions with Ukrainian cards.

The state provides protection to a foreigner by recognizing him as a refugee and by providing humanitarian, temporary protection or political asylum. A person with refugee status has the right to free accommodation in the Center for Accommodation and Assistance to Refugees, to free medical care, has access to education on the same conditions as citizens of the Republic of Moldova. A person with approved refugee status can apply for family reunification on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

To view information about other countries, follow the link:

Asylum for Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova